Kamonyi Residents Educated About Heroes Day

Residents of Runda sector were called upon to participate in the forth coming hero’s day on 1st –February-2012.

The call was made on monthly communal work day, where a mammoth of residents helped in constructing Ruyenzi cell offices.

While addressing residents, the president of Runda district council, Barnabe Dushimiyimana said,

“Heroes worth remembering include; fallen heroes like Fred Gisa Rwigema and living heroes who have continued to develop the country.”

He said others automatically became heroes following their contribution to the liberation struggle that stopped the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi for example;King Mutara lll Rudahigwa who strived to promote social welfare of the people, Michel Rwagasana and Agatha Uwiringiyimana among others.

Dushyimiyimana continued explaining that other heroes include Sister Felicite Niyitegeka who never separated from the people that came in and joined her in hiding during the struggle, the students from Nyange who also refused to separate with their fellow students who were Tutsis.

During this communal work therefore, the Executive Secretary of Runda sector Christine Nyirandayisabye asked the residents to go for the celebrations which will be held at the village level and also asked them to participate in good activities that will show them as heroes to the nation.

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